version 3.0.2


statacons -- calls SCons to build a project defined in an SConstruct.

The syntax of statacons follows that of scons, with a few additions and customizations. For the most commonly used options, we have adapted SCons syntax into a style more familiar to Stata users. These options are listed below. We also allow users to use the standard SCons syntax, although not a mix of the two in the same command.

In this help file, we list only the most important options. We borrow heavily from the scons help.

To see the full list of options, type statacons, help at the Stata prompt or scons -h at the appropriate shell prompt. See the SCons User Manual and SCons Man Page for more details.


The syntax of statacons is:

statacons [ targets ] [, option(value)]

The SCons equivalent is:

statacons [option[=value]] [ targets ]

By default, statacons will look in the current directory for an SConstruct file, consider all targets described in that file, and then build or re-build targets if needed.

Specifying targets

By default, statacons will build all targets described in the SConstruct. The user can specify a target or a subset of targets using the target option on the command line:

. statacons outputs/auto-modified.dta

The SCons equivalent is identical.

Default targets can also be specified in the SConstruct with the Default() function, although targets specified at the command line override defaults specified in the SConstruct. Targets can be excluded from the default group with the Ignore() function.

Standard SCons Options

We list the most common options, with Stata syntax on the first line and the SCons equivalent on the second line.




Remove specified targets and dependencies.

-c, --clean


Print TYPE of debugging information, explain is most useful



change directory to DIRECTORY before starting build



Don't build; just print commands.

-n, --dry-run


Read FILE as the top-level SConstruct file.

-f FILE, --file=FILE


Print SCons help message

-h, --help


Don't print SCons progress messages



Don't print SCons actions or progress messages

-s, --silent


Print a dependency tree in various formats:


all, derived, prune, status, linedraw.

Custom statacons options




instruct the Stata builder to skip a task if all of its targets are listed,


then mark those targets as up-to-date


instruct the Stata builder to skip the given do-file in the current build,


then mark the associated target(s) as up-to-date


instruct the Stata builder to skip all do-files in the current build,


then mark all their targets as up-to-date


specify configuration file(s)



show configuration


Return values

statacons will return the Python return code in r(py_rc). If non-zero, statacons will issue error 7103 "error occurs when running a Python script file or importing a Python module".

SConstruct Syntax

Basic SConstruct Recipe

import pystatacons
env = pystatacons.init_env()
task_name = env.StataBuild(
          target = ['path/to/target1.ext', 'path/to/target2.ext'],
          source = 'path/to/'
Depends(task_name, ['path/to/dependency1.ext',

This defines a task task_name from the StataBuild method with targets path/to/target1.ext and path/to/target2.ext, source path/to/ and dependencies path/to/dependency1.ext and path/to/dependency2.ext. statacons will call Stata's batch mode to do path/to/

Additional Options for SConstruct Recipe

task_name = env.StataBuild(
          target = ['path/to/target1.ext', 'path/to/target2.ext'],
          source = 'path/to/source.ext',
          file_cmd = "command",
          params = 'arguments or options',
          depends = ['path/to/dependency1.ext', 'path/to/dependency2.ext']

The additional options to StataBuild are

  • file_cmd : the command SCons should pass to Stata's batch mode.

    The default is do , but the user can specify anything that Stata can accept as a command, e.g., dyndoc, markdown, net, etc.

  • params : arguments or options that should follow the source in the call to Stata batch mode.

    For example, a task with file_cmd of dyndoc might specify

params = ', saving(myfile.html) replace'

  • depends : an alternative to using the Depends() function

  • full_cmd : Alternatively, one can specify the full command explicitly (including any file and parameters). This will ignore the file_cmd, source, and params.

As an example,

helpFile = env.StataBuild(
        target = ['statacons.sthlp'],
        do_file = 'statacons.ado',
        file_cmd = "markdoc",
        params = ', export(statacons.sthlp) mini replace'

defines a task helpFile from the StataBuild method with target statacons.sthlp, source statacons.ado and params ', export(statacons.sthlp) mini replace'. statacons will call Stata in batch mode with command markdoc statacons.ado, export(sthlp) replace mini.

SConstruct Functions

See the SCons User Manual and SCons Man Page for functions available in SConstructs.


statacons should run without configuration on most standard setups, assuming python and scons are installed properly. See utils/config_local_template.ini and config_project.ini for configuration options.

Run statacons, show_config to show current configuration.

Run utils/ to obtain useful information for debugging.


basic use

. statacons

print debugging info and build tree

. statacons,  debug(explain) tree(status,prune)

show current configuration

. statacons, show_config

build target called 'dl_original_data'

. statacons dl_original_data

mark all targets as built

. statacons, assume_built(*)


statacons team


SCons Development Team (2021a), SCons 4.3.0 Man page,

SCons Development Team (2021b), SCons 4.3.0 User Guide,

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