A. Other Advanced Features

A.1. SConscripts and Hierarchical Builds

SConscripts allow dividing a project into parts. Listing A1 shows how we can divide our Introductory Example into separate SConscripts for dataprep and analysis. Note the Export() and Import() statements needed to pass environments and variables across the SConstruct and the SConscripts.

Listing A1: An SConstruct file with two SConscript files

#--------- SConstruct file ----------
# **** Setup from pystatacons package *****
import pystatacons env = pystatacons.init_env()

# **** Substance begins  *****
Export('env') # allow SConscripts to import environment

# -------- SConscript-dataprep ------------
# get environment from SConstruct
dataprep_Targets = ['outputs/auto-modified.dta']
cmd_dataprep = env.StataBuild(
    target = dataprep_Targets,
    source ='code/dataprep.do' )
# allow SConscript-dataprep to access dataprep_Targets variable

# -------- SConscript-analysis ------------
# get environment from SConstruct
# get dataprep_Targets variable exported by SConscript-dataprep
analysis_Targets = ['outputs/scatterplot.pdf',
cmd_analysis = env.StataBuild(
     target = analysis_Targets,
     source = 'code/analysis.do' )
Depends(cmd_analysis, dataprep_Targets)

In addition to breaking up large SConstructs into more manageable, readable parts, using SConscripts allows assigning different options or parameters to different parts of the project.

A.2. Parallel Builds

SCons can manage parallel builds, conducting tasks that are not interdependent simultaneously by dividing the computer's processors among the tasks. This can reduce computation time relative to running tasks sequentially.

At present, parallel builds are only supported in SCons itself, i.e., running scons from a terminal, not in statacons.

Using parallel builds without any modification to code can reduce computation time. Furthermore, writing code with parallel builds in mind can unlock additional gains. In our Applied Example, the event study methodology of Sun and Abraham, J. Econometrics, 2021, is conducted for four different variables. Each estimation is independent of the others, so the four can be conducted in parallel. Listing A2 provides the SConscript for this process. We use an SConscript so that we can set the number of separate jobs for these tasks without affecting the rest of the build. Note the SetOption('num_jobs',2) line in the SConscript. We use 2 as a minimal working example, users with more processors may wish to allow more jobs.

Listing A2: SConstruct: Parallel Jobs in Applied Example

# ** Setup
import pystatacons
env = pystatacons.init_env()
# use an sconsign database specific to this SConstruct
# set up parallel
# set default maximum of 2 jobs
# or set from command line, e.g.,
# scons -j 2 --file=SConstructParallel

# selection:
#  pare down dataset to variables and observations used
#  create one dataset per outcome variable
select_parallel = env.StataBuild(
  source = "code/sunabraham_select_parallel.do",
  target = ['outputs/dta/sunAbrahamSample_jallowrate.dta',
Depends(select_parallel, ['inputs/judgePanel.dta'])

# estimation
#   one task per outcome variable
for outcome in ["awards","decisions","jallowrate","dispositions"]:
  source = "code/sunabraham_estimation_"+outcome+\".do",
  target = ['outputs/dta/sunAbrahamResults_'+outcome+'.dta'],
  depends = ['outputs/dta/sunAbrahamSample_'+outcome+'.dta'] )

# plot results
figs_parallel = env.StataBuild(
 source = "code/sunabraham_graph_parallel.do",
 target = ['outputs/figures/sunabraham_parallel.png',

We have included the do-files for this parallel build in our Supplemental Materials online. The basic idea is that (1) for each outcome variable, we (a) create a dataset with that variable and the relevant controls and identifiers, (b) perform the estimate for that outcome and save the results in a dataset, then (2) once the estimation is complete for all four variables, we combine the estimation results for the four outcome variables and present the results.

The gains from parallel builds will depend on many factors, including the nature of the task, the hardware, version of Stata, file size, and the system I/O throughput. For example, User A with 8 processors but a 4-core version of Stata MP will likely experience greater relative gains by adding a second, parallel job than User B with 8 processors and 8-core Stata MP: User A was only using 4 processors previously, and now can use all 8 simultaneously, still applying 4 to each task; User B was previously devoting 8 processors to each task sequentially, and now will devote 4 processors to each task simultaneously.[1]. Similarly, tasks that use only a small fraction of the available RAM can run in parallel without much cost to the speed of the individual tasks, while tasks that are demanding of available RAM may not be sped up as much when run in parallel. Finally, as noted in the paper, parallel (Vega Yon and Quistorff, Stata Journal, 2019) is a better option for bootstrapping or simulation.

Some care should be taken in writing code in these cases -- while there is no issue with multiple Stata processes accessing the same dataset at once, it is important that parallel tasks not write to the same dataset. This just requires a bit of caution that no output filenames are repeated across jobs.