B. Collaborative Workflows

The Problem

In this Appendix, we discuss a few models for collaborative workflows. The main difficulty with collaboration is that, as we mention in the Limitations section (6.3), SCons only understands builds it has done itself. That is, SCons compares the current state of targets and dependencies to their state as recorded in the .sconsign.dblite database the last time SCons ran the build.

As an example, suppose that Users A and B are collaborating on the Introductory Example of Section 2. User A is working primarily on the dataprep task and User B is working primarily on analysis. Imagine for the sake of this example that the dataprep task takes a very long time to run. User A has made some edits to dataprep.do and updated auto-modified.dta. User A shares these two files with User B.

The issue is that User B's SCons will look at dataprep.do, compare its current status to its status the last time auto-modified.dta was built as recorded in User B's .sconsign.dblite, see that dataprep.do is different, and conclude that auto-modified.dta needs to be rebuilt. User B could use the assume_built() or assume_done() options we have added to SCons to tell SCons that in fact auto-modified.dta is up to date, but in more complex projects this sort of mental dependency-tracking is prone to failure.

The underlying problem is that there are three competing values: we want builds to be complete (all targets up-to-date), we do not want to duplicate work, and we want to automate the build and avoid manual workarounds, which are error-prone. Our preferred approach is to use the SCons cache to share built files. While this requires a small amount of effort to set up and some care to maintain, it satisfies all three values without introducing too much additional complexity. We will describe this approach below, then mention a few alternatives and their limitations.

Our project Wiki contains a simple worked example of a collaborative project using the SCons cache along with GitHub: https://github.com/bquistorff/statacons/wiki/Collaboration-using-GitHub-and-the-SCons-cache.

SCons Cache

Our preferred approach is to use the SCons cache to share derived files. See Listing B1 for an example SConstruct.

Listing B1: SConstruct for Introductory Example Using SCons Cache

# **** Setup from pystatacons package *****
import pystatacons
env = pystatacons.init_env()
# use an sconsign database specific to this SConstruct
# set path to cache directory
# shared cache dir
# hard-coded -- if hard-coding path with spaces, *must* enclose in quotes
# dropbox example
# local folder example
# from config_local.ini
-- in config, do *not* enclose path with spaces in quotes
# **** Substance begins *****
# analysis
cmd_analysis = env.StataBuild(
    target = ['outputs/scatterplot.pdf', 'outputs/regressionTable.tex'],
    source = 'code/analysis.do' )
Depends(cmd_analysis, ['outputs/auto-modified.dta'])
# dataprep
cmd_dataprep = env.StataBuild(
    target = ['outputs/auto-modified.dta'],
    source = 'code/dataprep.do' )

In the SConstruct, we designate a shared folder to store the cache:


Rather than hard-code the path into the SConstruct, the path can be coded into a configuration file (e.g., config_project.ini, config_local.ini, or other specified through the config_file() option), which the SConstruct can then read. Here, we use a local scons_cache folder so that this can be a self-contained example, but in practice this may be a shared drive or a folder on a file-sharing service. See config_local_template.ini for several examples.

SCons will then store built files in the cache and, before building targets, check to see whether an up-to-date version is available in the cache. See the SCons User Guide for details on how this works.[1]

We have found that this approach handles the three competing goals of a build tool (complete builds; reduce unnecessary builds; automaticity instead of manual intervention) well, with a few caveats.

The main caveat is that by default SCons will update the cache whenever a target is newly built, which is not desirable while writing and testing code since it will lead to filling the cache with unnecessary files, and other users will be repeatedly downloading these unnecessary files. It is good practice to update the cache only when you are sure the work is complete. There are two ways to do this.

The first way is to use the command-line option cache_readonly to tell SCons to check and read from the cache but not update the cache with any built files, or cache_disable to tell SCons to ignore the cache entirely. Once you have successfully completed your build, use the option cache_force to force SCons to update the cache. This will also make it less likely that two users will attempt to update the same cached file at the same time.

The second way is to edit the SConstruct so that the default is to have the cache disabled, and a command-line option is required to read to or write to the cache. We provide an example on our project Wiki: https://github.com/bquistorff/statacons/wiki/Cache-with-cache-disabled-as-default.

A few additional caveats. First, the cache can get large and periodically need to be cleaned and rebuilt.[2] Second, when using the cache, SCons calculates build signatures regardless of the Decider method chosen, so there are no time savings from using, for example, content-timestamp. Of course, this does not affect those using the default content. Finally, in its own storage, the cache uses file signatures as filenames, instead of the cached file's own name, which is slightly inconvenient if you need to find and examine the cached version of a particular file. The cache_debug option will provide information on the files being used, and note that the file will be stored in a subfolder corresponding to the first two characters of the cached filename. For example, a cached file d7581eba1ac59ad5f92b2fceba04477f will be in subfolder D7.

We list some useful command-line options for the cache below. Using these options together with dry_run can be instructive to get a preview of how SCons will interact with the cache.

We list the Stata-style syntax first, then the standard SCons syntax. Recall that either syntax is allowed but the two cannot be mixed in a single command.

cache_debug(-) prints information on the cache files being used to the screen

SCons equivalent: –cache-debug=-

cache_debug(file) saves information on the cache files being used to the file file

SCons equivalent: –cache-debug=file

cache_disable do not use files from the cache, do not write files to the cache

SCons equivalent: –cache-disable, –no-cache

cache_force write all derived files to the cache, whether they are built in this call to SCons or have previously been built. This overrides the default, which is to write only files that are built or rebuilt files in the current call to SCons.

SCons equivalent: –cache-force, –cache-populate

cache_readonly use files from the cache but do not write files to the cache

SCons equivalent: –cache-readonly

cache_show by default, SCons will print "retrieved file from cache" to the screen when it pulls a file from the cache rather than building it. With the cache_show option, SCons will instead print what it would have done to build the file if it had not used the cache.

SCons equivalent: –cache-show

Other Options

Here are a few alternatives, along with what we see as their main drawbacks.

Shared .sconsign.dblite database

Since SCons uses the .sconsign.dblite database to decide which targets need to be rebuilt, it is tempting to use a shared database, whether through a file-synchronization service like Dropbox or version-control system like Git or GitHub. However, this is unlikely to work well. Since the .sconsign.dblite is a single, binary file, version conflicts or file corruption can arise even if users are working on different aspects of a project. Furthermore, unless all users have all their code, targets and dependencies synchronized at all times, a shared .sconsign.dblite database will cause SCons to get very confused, since it will see discrepancies between files and database entries every time any user updates any file. This might be approximately workable if all users are synced to the same shared folder, e.g., a shared Dropbox folder, but this is not possible if one is using more full-featured source code and collaboration management solutions such as git.

Marking files as built

The assume_built/assume_done options we have added for statacons can help in one-off cases. See Section 3.2 of the main paper for their description. In the example above, User B could update to User A's latest dataprep.do and auto-modified.dta, then run

statacons , assume_built(’outputs/auto-modified.dta’)

SCons will then skip rebuilding auto-modified.dta, record the current file signature as in .sconsign.dblite, and move on to rebuilding the final outputs.

While this approach can be useful, it relies on users accurately keeping track of what is up to date and what is not, and making manual choices in builds, both of which build tools are intended to make unnecessary. For example, we have found assume_built(*) to be useful if a minor change to the builder has caused SCons to think all files need to be re-built when in fact none of them do. Again, though, we have to be sure that the change to the builder will not result in any substantive change.

Additional Comments on Collaborative Workflows

Version Control

If you are using a version control system like Git or SVN, we recommend that you do not keep config_local.ini or .sconsign.dblite under version control. In the case of config_local.ini, this is simply because the purpose of this file is to account for things that will vary across users. In the case of .sconsign.dblite, see our discussion under "Shared .sconsign.dblite database" above. There are a few additional Python-generated files (e.g., __pycache__) that should not be kept under version control. In Git, this is handled with a .gitignore file. In the replication archive we provide for our Introductory Example, we have included an example .gitignore that excludes the files above. In addition, we recommend excluding all generated files. That is, as a rule, we keep only code (in the broad sense of things a human has typed, as opposed to things generated by the computer) under version control. This is generally considered good practice but is essential when using the SCons cache, since the cache is already essentially handling version control for generated files, and having both SCons and the version control software attempting the same task will lead to conflicts.

We do recommend keeping user-written programs under version control to ensure that all users have the same version of these programs. In our Introductory Example, we have kept user-written estout (Jann, Stata Journal, 2007) in the folder code/ado/plus. Our profile.do sets Stata's adopath to instruct Stata to look in this folder (and subfolders). Similarly, we keep config_project.ini, the SConstruct, statacons.ado and the other associated files under version control, again so that the build will be consistent across users. The downside of this practice is that you will need to maintain separate copies of the same programs for each project.

Shared SCons cache

If you are using Dropbox or a similar service to share your SCons cache, make sure that you have offline access to the folder containing the cache.[3] Using the "Smart Sync" or "Streaming Access" options that store files online and then fetch them when requested is likely to cause several problems. First, Python may not find folders that are only available in the cloud. Second, this will slow down the process of retrieving cached files. Third, you may not be able to access certain recently cached files when working offline.

Finally, as of April 2022 we do not recommend Google Drive for sharing caches. Google Drive will sometimes be able to discern the type of cached files and will add a file extension to the filename in the cache. This happens especially frequently with .pdfs. This will confuse SCons and prevent it from successfully retrieving that file from the cache. We have not found this to occur with Dropbox.