Solution for "Exercise: Parameters"ΒΆ

1. Create a copy of SConstruct-parameters-isles and rename it SConstruct-parameters-all.

2. Add cmd_last_data and cmd_abyss_data in SConstruct-parameters-all using as a source with parameters.

Add params='"inputfilesName"' in SConstruct-parameters-solutions.

cmd_abyss_data = env.StataBuild(
    target = 'outputs/data/dta/abyss.dta',
    source = 'code/',

cmd_last_data = env.StataBuild(
    target = 'outputs/data/dta/last.dta',
    source = 'code/',

2. Change to that takes the input file names as arguments.

Instead of updating, we can make, a version of which takes the input file names as arguments. Then, we can call it with parameters.

a. Copy and rename it

b. Open in Stata do-file editor and edit the first part of do-file. Include args inputFiles and remove the local inputFiles variable list.

args inputFiles
// local inputFiles isles last abyss

Sample do-file:

. type code/
version 16.1
quietly include

args inputFiles

//local inputFiles 
noi di `"local inputFiles: "`inputFiles'" "'

foreach file of local inputFiles {
        cap confirm file "outputs/data/dta/`file'.dta"
  if _rc==0 {
        local LoopOver `LoopOver' `file'
noi di `"local LoopOver: "`LoopOver'" "'


  // set up tempfile
  tempname myName
  tempfile myFile

  postfile `myName' str100(Book) long(First Second) using `myFile'

  foreach inputFile of local LoopOver {
    use outputs/data/dta/`inputFile'.dta, clear 
    keep freq
    gsort - freq 
    keep in 1/2
    post `myName' ("`inputFile'") (freq[1]) (freq[2])

  postclose `myName'

  use `myFile', clear
  gen Ratio = First / Second 
  format Ratio %4.3f
  save outputs/data/dta/testZipf.dta, replace 

  export delimited using outputs/tables/testZipf.txt, ///
    delimiter(tab) replace


3. Add a rule in our new SConstruct to build new textZpif.txt.

Update SConstruct-parameters-all to apply our new rules using parameters.

Include params='"isles last abyss"' in cmd_results and outputs/data/dta/abyss.dta','outputs/data/dta/last.dta' in depends.

cmd_results = env.StataBuild(
    target = 'outputs/tables/testZipf.txt',
    source = 'code/',
	params='"isles last abyss"'
Depends = (cmd_results,

4. Use SConstruct-parameters-all to see if any of the targets need to be rebuilt.

Clear your output/dta directory before running if the outputs already exist.

. statacons, file(SConstruct-parameters-all) clean
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Cleaning targets ...
Removed outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta
Removed outputs\data\dta\isles.dta
Removed outputs\data\dta\last.dta
Removed outputs\tables\testZipf.txt
scons: done cleaning targets.

. statacons, file(SConstruct-parameters-all)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using 'LabelsFormatsOnly' custom_datasignature.
Calculates timestamp-independent checksum of dataset, 
  including variable formats, variable labels and value labels.
Edit use_custom_datasignature in config_project.ini to change.
  (other options are Strict, DataOnly, False)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> abyss". log=countWords-8e4bf7a2.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=21300).
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\isles.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> isles". log=countWords-fad1dc5c.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=15908).
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\last.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> last". log=countWords-3cf895f1.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=5180).
stata_run(["outputs\tables\testZipf.txt"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\"
>  "isles last abyss". log=testZipfArgs-b47d1d91.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=23380).
scons: done building targets.

. type outputs/tables/testZipf.txt
Book    First   Second  Ratio
isles   3315    2185    1.5171624
last    10684   4904    2.1786296
abyss   3538    2524    1.4017433


Note: statacons and SConstruct file allow us to create abyss.dta and last.dta without editing the Stata do-file.