
Our do-file and SConstruct file still have repeated content -- we repeat the same material for each of isles, abyss and last. We can make our code more compact and efficient by using variables.

1. Create a copy of SConstruct-parameters-all and rename it SConstruct-variables.

In your text editor, open the file SConstruct-variables and replace the cmd_isles_data, cmd_abyss_data, and cmd_last_data sections with the following code:

for opt in ["isles","abyss","last"]:
    target = 'outputs/data/dta/'+opt+'.dta',
    source = 'code/',

** Python tips for beginner **

  • Here, we use a python for loop. you can replace opt to other characters if you want.

  • Scons is based on python, so python can be applied in SConstruct file.

  • cmds={} creates an empty "dictionary" (a set of key-value pairs). Then, inside the loop, we assign the output of the command to a value of new key-value pair, where the key is opt.

  • Use + for stiring concatenation (adding strings together) in python.

2. Use SConstruct-variables to see if any of the targets need to be rebuilt.

. statacons, clean file(SConstruct-variables)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Cleaning targets ...
Removed outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta
Removed outputs\data\dta\isles.dta
Removed outputs\data\dta\last.dta
Removed outputs\tables\testZipf.txt
scons: done cleaning targets.

. statacons, dry_run debug(explain) file(SConstruct-variables)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using 'LabelsFormatsOnly' custom_datasignature.
Calculates timestamp-independent checksum of dataset, 
  including variable formats, variable labels and value labels.
Edit use_custom_datasignature in config_project.ini to change.
  (other options are Strict, DataOnly, False)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: building `outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: building `outputs\data\dta\isles.dta' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\isles.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: building `outputs\data\dta\last.dta' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\last.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: building `outputs\tables\testZipf.txt' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\tables\testZipf.txt"], ["code\"])
scons: done building targets.

. statacons, file(SConstruct-variables)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using 'LabelsFormatsOnly' custom_datasignature.
Calculates timestamp-independent checksum of dataset, 
  including variable formats, variable labels and value labels.
Edit use_custom_datasignature in config_project.ini to change.
  (other options are Strict, DataOnly, False)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> abyss". log=countWords-8e4bf7a2.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=27364).
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\isles.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> isles". log=countWords-fad1dc5c.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=22752).
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\last.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> last". log=countWords-3cf895f1.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=28564).
stata_run(["outputs\tables\testZipf.txt"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\"
>  "isles last abyss". log=testZipfArgs-b47d1d91.log.
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=6296).
scons: done building targets.
