Our do-file and SConstruct file still have repeated content -- we repeat the same material for each of isles
, abyss
and last
. We can make our code more compact and efficient by using variables.
1. Create a copy of SConstruct-parameters-all
and rename it SConstruct-variables
In your text editor, open the file SConstruct-variables
and replace the cmd_isles_data
, cmd_abyss_data
, and cmd_last_data
sections with the following code:
for opt in ["isles","abyss","last"]:
target = 'outputs/data/dta/'+opt+'.dta',
source = 'code/',
** Python tips for beginner **
Here, we use a python
loop. you can replaceopt
to other characters if you want.
Scons is based on python, so python can be applied in SConstruct file.
creates an empty "dictionary" (a set of key-value pairs). Then, inside the loop, we assign the output of the command to a value of new key-value pair, where the key isopt
for stiring concatenation (adding strings together) in python.
2. Use SConstruct-variables
to see if any of the targets need to be rebuilt.
. statacons, clean file(SConstruct-variables)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Cleaning targets ...
Removed outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta
Removed outputs\data\dta\isles.dta
Removed outputs\data\dta\last.dta
Removed outputs\tables\testZipf.txt
scons: done cleaning targets.
. statacons, dry_run debug(explain) file(SConstruct-variables)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using 'LabelsFormatsOnly' custom_datasignature.
Calculates timestamp-independent checksum of dataset,
including variable formats, variable labels and value labels.
Edit use_custom_datasignature in config_project.ini to change.
(other options are Strict, DataOnly, False)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: building `outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: building `outputs\data\dta\isles.dta' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\isles.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: building `outputs\data\dta\last.dta' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\last.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: building `outputs\tables\testZipf.txt' because it doesn't exist
stata_run(["outputs\tables\testZipf.txt"], ["code\"])
scons: done building targets.
. statacons, file(SConstruct-variables)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using 'LabelsFormatsOnly' custom_datasignature.
Calculates timestamp-independent checksum of dataset,
including variable formats, variable labels and value labels.
Edit use_custom_datasignature in config_project.ini to change.
(other options are Strict, DataOnly, False)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> abyss". log=countWords-8e4bf7a2.log.
Starting in hidden desktop (pid=27364).
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\isles.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> isles". log=countWords-fad1dc5c.log.
Starting in hidden desktop (pid=22752).
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\last.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\" "
> last". log=countWords-3cf895f1.log.
Starting in hidden desktop (pid=28564).
stata_run(["outputs\tables\testZipf.txt"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\"
> "isles last abyss". log=testZipfArgs-b47d1d91.log.
Starting in hidden desktop (pid=6296).
scons: done building targets.