
Our do-file and SConstruct file have repeated contents. Instead of having,,, we will call with arguments.

1. Instead of calling do-file, we call to create a frequency count dataset isle.dta from the input text last.txt.

Here is an example of calling countWords with argument to create *.dta in Stata:

. type code/
args inputFileName 


  wordfreq using inputs/txt/`inputFileName'.txt, clear
  egen totalsum = total(freq)
  gen share = freq / totalsum 
  drop totalsum 
  gsort - freq 
  save outputs/data/dta/`inputFileName'.dta, replace 

restore requires one argument (args): inputfileName. In our example, inputfileName is isles. automatically loads isles.txt and creates outputfile named isles.dta. We call with an argument in Stata.

. do code/ "isles"

. args inputFileName 

. preserve

.   wordfreq using inputs/txt/`inputFileName'.txt, clear

.   egen totalsum = total(freq)

.   gen share = freq / totalsum 

.   drop totalsum 

.   gsort - freq 

.   save outputs/data/dta/`inputFileName'.dta, replace 
file outputs/data/dta/isles.dta saved

. restore

end of do-file

Check the top 5 lines in the output file isles.dta:

. use outputs/data/dta/isles.dta, clear

. li in 1/5

     | word   freq      share |
  1. |  the   3315   .0625483 |
  2. |   of   2185   .0412272 |
  3. |  and   1530   .0288685 |
  4. |   to   1323   .0249627 |
  5. |    a   1132   .0213589 |

. clear

And, do not re-create testZipf.txt directly in Stata. (We will update the SConstruct-parameters and re-create it using statacons in the next step.)

2. Create a copy of SConstruct-2NewRules and rename it SConstruct-parameters-isles.

3. Add parameters in SConstruct file.

Now, we learn how to include parameters in our SConstruct file.

In your text editor, open the file called Sconstruct-parameters-isles you created in step 2. In cmd_isles_data, edit the source to code/ and add params='"isles"'. This will lead statacons to run the do-file code/ with an argument "isles".

cmd_isles_data = env.StataBuild(
    target = 'outputs/data/dta/isles.dta',
    source = 'code/',

Next, to update testZipf.txt, include following command in SConstruct-parameters-isles.

cmd_results = env.StataBuild(
    target = 'outputs/tables/testZipf.txt',
    source = 'code/'

4. Use SConstruct-parameters-isles to see if any of the targets need to be rebuilt.

Use option file(SConstruct-parameters-isles) to assign the specific SConstruct file, and use dry_run to get a preview of what statacons will do.

. statacons, dry_run debug(explain) file(SConstruct-parameters-isles)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using 'LabelsFormatsOnly' custom_datasignature.
Calculates timestamp-independent checksum of dataset, 
  including variable formats, variable labels and value labels.
Edit use_custom_datasignature in config_project.ini to change.
  (other options are Strict, DataOnly, False)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: rebuilding `outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta' because:
           `code\' is no longer a dependency
           `code\' is a new dependency
           `code\ado\personal\countWords.ado' is a new dependency
           `code\ado\plus\w\wordfreq.ado' is a new dependency
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: rebuilding `outputs\data\dta\last.dta' because:
           `code\' is no longer a dependency
           `code\' is a new dependency
           `code\ado\personal\countWords.ado' is a new dependency
           `code\ado\plus\w\wordfreq.ado' is a new dependency
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\last.dta"], ["code\"])
scons: rebuilding `outputs\tables\testZipf.txt' because:
           `code\' is no longer a dependency
           `code\' is a new dependency
stata_run(["outputs\tables\testZipf.txt"], ["code\"])
scons: done building targets.

Run statacons. statacons will rebuild isles.dta and textZipf.txt only.

. statacons, file(SConstruct-parameters-isles)
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using 'LabelsFormatsOnly' custom_datasignature.
Calculates timestamp-independent checksum of dataset, 
  including variable formats, variable labels and value labels.
Edit use_custom_datasignature in config_project.ini to change.
  (other options are Strict, DataOnly, False)
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\abyss.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\".
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=35876).
stata_run(["outputs\data\dta\last.dta"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\".
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=1248).
stata_run(["outputs\tables\testZipf.txt"], ["code\"])
Running: "C:\Program Files\Stata16\StataMP-64.exe" /e do "code\".
  Starting in hidden desktop (pid=30452).
scons: done building targets.

Check if statacons re-creates textZipf.txt.

.  type outputs/tables/testZipf.txt
Book    First   Second  Ratio

Parameters: Exercise

  1. Create a copy of SConstruct-parameters-isles and rename it SConstruct-parameters-all.

  2. Add cmd_last_data and cmd_abyss_data in SConstruct-parameters-all using as a source with parameters.

  3. Replace to that takes the input file names as arguments.

  4. Add a rule in our new SConstruct to build new textZpif.txt.

  5. Use SConstruct-parameters-all to see if any of the targets need to be rebuilt.

    Hint: See abyss and Two New Rules solutions. See how takes arguments in Stata. Apply param in SConstruct file.

Parameters: Using statacons with dyndoc in literate programming

As a final example of the use of parameters, this web tutorial consists of several web pages, each created from a Markdown .md file. Each of these .md files was created from a Stata dyndoc file. For example, this web page is produced from a Markdown file, which in turn was created by parameters.dyndoc. We used statacons to manage this process. See statacons and Literate Programming on our project Wiki page for the code.